OutreachPortugal Winter School Ecologias Feministas de Saberes II - Saberes e Práticas para a C[u]idadania By deothering | Outreach, Portugal
OutreachPortugal Género, Paz e Segurança: discursos, práticas e políticas: notas sobre Portugal, Guiné-Bissau e o internacional By deothering | Outreach, Portugal
GermanyOutreachItalyPortugalUK & France A “crise dos refugiados” nos media europeus: alteridades, securitização e desconstrução das alteridades By deothering | Germany, Outreach, Italy, Portugal, UK & France
GermanyOutreach Simplificar, re-interpretar e alterizar a violência sexual: como a AfD usa o Facebook para promover o seu programa anti-imigração By deothering | Germany, Outreach
OutreachItaly These girls are ours: constructing the colour of the nation over the bodies of murdered girls in Italy By deothering | Outreach, Italy
Outreach Borderization, security and language: ways of ‘othering’ and ‘de-othering’ By deothering | Outreach
OutreachPortugal Frontex comes to Portugal: the new role of the European Maritime Safety Agency in Lisbon for border surveillance By deothering | Outreach, Portugal
GermanyOutreach Mulheres na extrema-direita, nacionalismos e desafios aos feminismos By deothering | Germany, Outreach