Eventos Académicos How can Science and Technology Studies help to reflect on the political crisis associated with refugees and asylum seekers? By deothering | Eventos Académicos
Eventos Académicos For an intersectional approach to spaces cities, borders, boundaries By deothering | Eventos Académicos
Eventos Académicos Monstrosity, the colonial archive and the migrant body: intersectional perspectives on visual constructions of migrants and asylum seekers By deothering | Eventos Académicos
Eventos Académicos German debates about the “refugee crisis”: making sexual violence (in)visible By deothering | Eventos Académicos
Eventos Académicos Race, Gender and the Nation in Contemporary Italy By deothering | Eventos Académicos
Eventos Académicos Crimes of Solidarity and the borders of Europe: the mobile infrastructures of migration support and the fracturing of humanitarianism By deothering | Eventos Académicos
Eventos Académicos Environmental disasters and migrations: mapping the imaginary of fear By deothering | Eventos Académicos
AlemanhaDisseminação Mulheres na extrema-direita, nacionalismos e desafios aos feminismos By deothering | Alemanha, Disseminação